Call Writer Android Application

Tired of finding a pen and paper during a call.Then Call Writer is an app for you.
Call writer is a simple application that lets you take and save notes during an incoming or outgoing call.

** Directions of use **

* Call writer PRO is activated when there is a incoming or outgoing call and a floating icon appears.
* Activate speaker mode in your phone.
* Click on the icon to open the page.
* We have introduced a floating icon, which the user can adjust as per the convenience.
* Easily take notes using paint. Adjust eraser size from the settings.
* Now user can easily write notes using notepad.
* User can either use notepad or paint or both.
* Notes are automatically saved when the call is disconnected.
* Notes are saved in the app and user can also share the notes using Whatsapp, Gmail, Hangout, etc
* Notes are saved according to date and time.
* Call directly to contact from note image in the PRO version.
* Freely edit notes during call using paint or notepad.Go to settings and deactivate "Close Automatically After Call" to keep writing notes even when the call ends.
* User can now call directly to the written number in saved text notes
* Directly open Email,Phone numbers and URL link made in saved text notes.

** Settings
1. App Status - On/Off
2. Notifications - On/Off
3. Close Automatically after Call - On/Off
4. Eraser size

** This app will be working in Xiaomi phones if you enable the settings given below.

Go to settings -> installed apps -> call writer -> permission manager -> display pop up window -> Then accept it .
For  Download  Click below  Link

Call Writer PRO 

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