WA Prime Android Apps updated version

Features of WA Prime 
Phone and status moved to its original location.
 Extra Mute Conversation Options (1 hrs, 8 hrs , 1 day , 1 week , 1 year , Forever )
 Extended Media Caption To 4,000 Words!
 Extended Media Share Limit From 10 to 300!

 Extended Status Limit From 139 to 256!
 Extended Image Quality from 80 to 100 (no compression)
 Extended Video and Media Limit to 72 MB! (39.95 MB Verified)
 Extended 10 default statuses to 15 cool one!
 Centralized All Title Cards.
 Materialized Home Style , Conversation Entry , And Ticks.
 Materialized Contact Info Page.
 Added Ripple Effect For 5.0+ Devices.

 Added Animation for Theme.Prefs Activities
 Materialized UI PNGs
 Material Emojis (One Emojis)
 Material Teal 500
 Solid Background Colors changed to Material Colors.
 Disabled Background APK Downloading.
 Removed Memory DUMP & Suspended Unnecessary Activities.
 Disabled In App Updater Checker.
 App Size Reduced To 15MB for Saving The Bandwidth.
 Telegram Links Unlocked
 Disabled Name , Date And Time while Copying Multiple Messages.
Disabled Heads-Up Notification For All Android Versions.
 Disabled Proximity Sensor while Playing Voice Messages.
 Added Profile Picture Zoom Option (similar to iOS)
 Added Option To Save and Restore App Data (like titanium backup)
 Added Ability to copy other’s status.
 Removed The Call Icon To Reduce Accidentally Calls.

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