Hello — Caller ID & Blocking Android apps
Make your phone smarter with Hello. Built by Messenger just
for Android, Hello combines info from Facebook with the contact info on your
phone so it's easy to stay in touch with the people you care about.
Now you can see who's calling, block unwanted calls and
search for people and places on Facebook. You can also call and text people for
free using Messenger.
• See who's calling you, even if you don't have that phone
number saved in your phone.
• Easily block unwanted calls.
• Automatically block calls from numbers that have been
blocked by a lot of other people.
• Search your phone contacts and people and places on
Facebook, without switching between apps.
• Always have the latest info about your contacts, including
their profile pictures and birthdays.
• Open a Facebook profile or Page with just one tap.
• Call and text for free with Messenger.
• Call, add and edit contacts — just like you do on your
Download Hello and make it your dialer.