How to Use Dual Sim in one Android phone Hybrid slot device Like Redmi and LYF etc.,, latest Tech ....
Now a days due technology development every body using Android smart phone .Presently All are facing some android phone s we can use only one sim with memory card . If we want use dual sim at the same we have remove our Memory card .
Now we giving simple idea along with to use Dual sim with memory same time .
Follow the below steps . Also you see video how to do ?
1.Remove sim cared slot from phone
2. Choose which sim you are going to use
3. Make a drawing sim card metal code .
4. Remove Plastic mold from sim card,
5. Clean the sim card through there is plastic left .
6. check the sim card working or not using any other mobile
7. Paste the in to memory card using adhesive as per drawing which we have made
up early Done mow your are ready to rock the mobile .
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