Parent depression can affect children education

If the children of depressed parents manappatarram increases. They are always identified with regret. Conduct disorders may be found. Health will be jeopardized, a slowdown of study, "says the latest study carried out in Sweden.

All things are always subject to the stress of our parents, parents and children's mental health advisor says it is well suited piparamesvari ...

`` There are many reasons to cause stress to the parents. Kutumpacculal, environment, office environment in which everything is contained. Both couples to work in the situation, Lack of time, lack of sleep deprivation occurs. This causes them stress.

The couple's children, who lived in the cities of Nuclear Thus a child in 100 suffers. Talk with the kids, give them enough time to study and teach the parents are not able to assign. It affects children of school to come up with some sort of longings.

Set aside time to teach their children at home who are unable to pass on to tiyucan. For every lesson, every day, even on holidays as they are sent to tiyucan. All children taking the claim seriously and give all tiyucanilum. The children's education suffers.

Scores begin to take a little less. Grade System is now used in most English schools. A, B, C grades 3 to make the ranking. Also A Great Score reduced by 5 percent come from the B graders. This will send a letter to parents to read correctly. This is also a reason for studying the development of depression in children.

Such stress may be more likely to occur in children perantin single system. In this case, the child with the father or mother is one of someone. For example, if the mother lives with her mother's family's income would have to hold. The hostel will be unable to raise the child in his outlook. Already growing child without a father and mother did not produce that now may become counter.

Manappatippu occur. Will not concentrate on studies.

That is why today's parents are also greatly concerned about the decrease in grade.

Parents reduce stress, yoga, meditation can take such steps. They and their children from it velivantuvituvarkal mintale of depression.

Even if you do not come out, with the help of a consultant child psychiatrist, counseling parents can come quickly to avert this problem. Spending enough time with their children, too, is important ... ''

Parents reduce stress, yoga, meditation can take such steps. They and their children from it velivantuvituvarkal mintale of depression. It is important to spend enough time with their children
Very necessary.
Thanks- Dinakarn News

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