Foods to avoid at night!
According to our health, it is necessary to take the night-time meal.
Similar problems occur at night because digestion.
Some foods to avoid at night
The non-vegetarian dishes
Go out with friends at night, appear to have any meat taste. But there will not be a continuation of this practice, the better.
Non vegetarian foods because digestion may take up to 3 hours to 4 hours.
So digestion disorder, gastric there, will not be able to sleep at night. While non-vegetarian dishes for lunch, while in the evening it is good to eat.
fat and oil
Oil, grease, etc. t fat, and it will take time to be digested.
Too much is not good for them to work at the time, and thus can lead to problems later in life digestion series.
The water content of foods
At night, when the water content of the foods you eat can lead to frequent urination.
Diabetic patient should eat clean. Pumpkin, Snake gourd, water content in veg
Too much acid in the stomach, making the caffeine in coffee. So it's there for you in the morning cause abdominal discomforts.
Therefore, avoid drinking coffee during the night.
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