How to make Your CV
Make your CV easy to read, state clearly the organizations that you have worked for, type of business, and scale i.e. number of employees, & turnover/sales.
Bullet points help to focus on important points and break up the text.
• Make your CV as objective as possible, use facts and figures rather than opinions.
• Do not include a Photograph.
• When describing your responsibilities in a previous job, include your achievements e.g. responsibility for purchases - savings of 5% per annum achieved.
• Your CV should not be an essay which runs into several pages - a good CV should cover everything and should be between 2 and 4 pages in length.
• Do not forget important information such as address, date of birth, contact details (e.g. phone number and E-mail address).
• Your CV should be of high quality and professional. Do not bind the document or print in different colours as a client may wish to photocopy your CV.
• Make sure there are no gaps in your CV, this raises immediate suspicion! CareerWise will check this as part of the procedure and help with the presentation of your CV.
• Make sure there are no spelling errors. Use the spellchecker or have a friend review the document. CareerWise will automatically do this as part of our procedure.
• Do not list references on your CV - Just state references available upon request.
• Do not have too many decorative fonts, bullet points, underlines or italics - choose a professional layout and keep it consistent.
• If you have a 3rd level qualification leave out Junior Certificate results and Primary School details.
• Work Experience - List your work history chronologically, beginning with your most recent position.
• Do not lie - You will be found out. This applies to qualifications, experience, language/computer proficiency etc.
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