You slim? Here are some methods to gain weight ..

Some people are skinny genetics. Some people are eating, how much more so will be skinny! For their constipation, diarrhea, diabetes, insomnia, sexual disorder, liver disorder, gastrointestinal disorder, etc. should be checked whether they are.
Some people are skinny because of the above reasons.

They all have good healthy body is likely to become quite plump  like coated. Keeping body weight, and by increasing the enriched milk, soy, and FIG play an important role.

First milk treatment  imitate. The rate for the first two hours of the morning with a cup of milk to drink. This should continue until eight at night. The next day at eight in the morning to start the milk therapy. Do not eat anything else. 

milk needed to light heat  Do not add sugar. The third day of the first hour to drink a cup each. It will continue for three days. Continue in this way for some people to eat dairy like vomiting  symptoms. These levels can be reduced. Sip through a straw milk gradually. You can use  soy milk instead of cow's milk Six days later, you begin to eat three times a day, mixed with milk and figs. You can feel putting flesh

Alternate method:
Vitamins, mineral salts and, if properly included in the diet, as Panjabi Muscular. I can grow. Calcium-rich milk, yogurt, Magnesium much the radish, beetroot vitamin D (D) rich milk, fish, oil, etc., should be included as well. High in protein "diet should include soybeans. 
Eighty percent of the food consumed in the fluid, slim, and the rest should be a solid diet. This will help to increase in proportion to body weight. Vitamins in diet, well absorbs mineral salts, essential B vitamins needed for solid waste without delay grow staple food, brown rice, rye, sorghum, lentils, nuts, etc. "B" vitamins are plentiful.

Vegetable oils rich in vitamin "d" is. The chef will increase body weight. 

Skinny  children and adults to consume the snack often grow well and nice sound

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